Why Do Doctors Prescribe Glasses?

Eyes are one of the essential sense organs which helps us enjoy the beauty of this universe. Most of us get agitated and annoyed when we hear our doctor says, “you need glasses”. But why does he say that?

Many do not understand the pamphlets which explains about the refractive errors. The answer is very simple if you consider an eye to be a circle.

*For a normal person if you shine a candle light in front of the circle, the image should fall at the opposite side on the margin the circle.

*For persons with refractive errors [alias who needs the plus or minus glasses], the image of the candle light falls either in front or far behind the circle because developmentally the eyes are either big or small respectively.

We cannot shrink the eye by making a hole or make it big by blowing air inside. The only solution to this problem is to introduce a power glass [a plus or a minus] in between the candle light and the circle so that it adjusts the image to fall exactly on the circle.

The same holds good for individuals with refractive errors.

We have a natural powerful glass [alias LENS] within our eyes which helps us to focus the nature in a better way up to a certain age.

A few are prescribed glasses because they cannot see objects clearly even with a good clear natural lens inside and they need additional plus or minus lens to wear outside.

“The eyes are the windows of the soul”. So let us not get annoyed and wear glasses when needed and prescribed.