Any store is going to ask for a prescription from your eye doctor. Most individuals tend to stick with the optical shop their doctor works in. This is certainly an option and you can check to see if your insurance or other discount plan will offer a percentage off your contact lenses. If not you can then take your prescription elsewhere. Other shops may offer inexpensive contact lenses or discounts on the lenses you prefer.
If you are searching for an inexpensive contact lens and wish to sacrifice the premium labels you can certainly find them online or by calling 1-800- Contacts. Once you find these contacts you can ask your eye doctor to write the prescription for that brand. Most doctors write the prescription for your preferred contact lens. So if you need to change brands for the inexpensive versions don’t hesitate to ask.
These online sites will not give you contacts without a proper prescription. They will most likely have to call your eye doctor for the prescription the first time you set up an account. This is not a big deal and will make reorder time less than five minutes. Another option for obtaining inexpensive contacts is ordering a year supply from the manufacturer. These companies like to offer discounts on contact solution and shipping if you purchase through them no matter the brand of contact lenses.
Contact is just one place you can order from if you live in the United Kingdom. They offer the best shipping rates for anyone in the UK. The others listed above may have less of a discount on shipping depending upon your location. Each online source or optical shop will try to get your business with any method approved by his or her company. Just asking may be the simplest answer for finding inexpensive contact lenses or you may need to do some in depth research. Just remember there are options are available for you.
You can also find more info on Buy Contact Lenses Online and Color Contact Lenses. Onlinecontactlenseshelp is a comprehensive resource to know more about online contact lenses.