Are you tired of waking up to plain old blue or brown eyes? Do you want a little excitement in the day with changing your eye color? Whether you need contact lenses for seeing or just wish to change your eyes you can now buy coloured contact lenses. The coloured contact lenses have come along way from even ten years ago. It is always wonderful what technology can do for us especially when we have to wear corrective lenses.
Contact lenses used to be hard lenses that were difficult to get out of your eye and rarely came in any other color than brown or blue. Today we have coloured soft contact lenses. The soft contact lenses come in two varieties soft or gas permeable. The gas permeable lens tends to be a year- long prescription. The soft contact lenses can be daily wear, biweekly or even monthly depending on your eye comfort.
You may have seen someone standing in a line with bulls eye or maybe you saw a girl with pretty lavender eyes. Coloured contacts can come in any design from the white-eye color with a red ring like the bulls eye or the pretty lavender. If will be your choice when you decide to change from the regular contact to the coloured contact lens.
There are four types of coloured contact lenses. The affects they will create is important when you decide the type of coloured contact lens you wish to have. The four types are light filtering, visibility, enhancement, and the opaque tint. The light-filtering tint allows the light to filter out the colors of your eye depending on which color you wish to filter. For example a blue-eyed individual has blue eyes because of the light their eyes filter so you can remove this color with a light-filtering tint. The enhancement tint will bring out the natural color of your eye. When you see some one with lavender eyes they most likely have the visibility tint. This covers the entire eye so your natural color is hidden.
Coloured contact lenses are there to enhance your eye color and take away the original and bring something new. There are certain types of coloured contact lenses so you can choose the type of effect you will have. If you have an astigmatism or extreme prescription you can have coloured contact lenses, but the array of choices is going to be limited. Coloured contact lenses for those with bad eyesight or astigmatisms are very expensive on top of the expense of having the correction you need. Most individuals tend to stay away from the coloured contact lenses because of the expense; however with new technology and the ability to produce the lenses at a lower cost you might see a wider ranged of choices for Toric lenses or high prescriptions.
You can also find more info on Color Contact Lenses and Contact Lens Solution. Onlinecontactlenseshelp is a comprehensive resource to know more about online contact lenses.