Tips to Getting Free Colored Contacts That Will Help to Save Money

Purchasing color contacts is an excellent choice as they can be used to help improve your vision in addition to changing the appearance of your natural eye color. The costs of having to buy these on a regular basis can certainly start to add up so any money saved can really go a long way. The following are tips to helping you get free colored contacts and where to find them.

With colored contacts, you will need to have a prescription if you require correctional lenses so be sure to visit your local eye care center so you can see a doctor. The prices will usually vary depending on where you go but be sure to check your health care coverage. If you have a good insurance plan, then the price that you will have to pay will be minimal but be sure to check in case.

Asking for samples while at the doctor’s office is not only a great way to get free colored contacts, but it will also let you test them out too. The last thing you want is purchasing a complete box only to find that they are really uncomfortable on you or that the colors don’t match your style. The reason why they are able to give out samples is so they can incent you to make a purchase later on.

Another way to get free samples is by checking websites from Acuvue or Freshlook as they are always giving out trials as long as you fill out a few forms. Once you verify your e-mail, they will then send you a certificate which can be redeemed at participating stores. Just keep in mind that you are not obligated in any way to purchase so you can easily take advantage of the samples.

Once these options are exhausted then you may have to resort to purchasing them through a local store or a trusted online site. If you want to save on the total cost, consider purchasing them in bulk as you can most certainly negotiate for lower prices. Just be sure that you have your prescription handy as some places won’t sell them unless you have one.

Want to learn more?

Get free information about non-prescription color contacts including factors to consider before purchasing.

Learn more about free colored contacts and where you can find them.