Tips on Making a Beaded Chain For Your Glasses

Using a chain to hold your glasses will reduce your chances of losing them. There are other, more modern-looking alternatives to a chain, though. To learn about making a beaded eyeglass chain that everyone will admire follow these instructions.

You’ll need the following materials:
– Quantity of beads of your choice
– Fishing wire or beading thread
– Eyeglass holders, two
– Crimping beads
– Pair of scissors
– Needle nose pliers
– Crazy glue

Create your bead pattern. A pattern should be chosen before beginning to make the eyeglass chain. To keep from losing beads they should be kept on a soft surface such as a towel. If you have one, a bead tray it is optimal to use for this. Make sure you have a variety of beads before starting the next step.

Begin your beaded glasses chain. After you do this, you are ready to attach the chain to your glasses. The first thing you should do is cut a length of beading thread that is between 26″ and 36″ in length. Always check your beading thread by tugging it gently. Pass the thread into one eyeglass holder and a crimp bead. Then work it back through the bead of crimp and crimp the bead tightly over the thread. Hide the loose end under the beads that you first strung. Then you can start threading your beads one by one. Ensure you do not need corrections in the pattern of the beads often. This should be repeated until the chain is the necessary length and the beads are all used.

The eyeglass chain should be clamped off. The end of the chain needs to be closed to prevent the beads from being lost. To do that, put a second crimp bead onto the end of the string of bead where you just finished stringing on your beads. Put the second eyeglass holder on the end of the necklace and put the thread through both. Last hide the thread by running it through the last few beads. To clamp the bead in place you will need to use your needle-nose pliers. Visible thread should be cut off (don’t do this until you are positive that the crimp bead is tight, or you may lose the lot!).

Make sure everything is secure in the place you want it. As an added safety measure you may want to dab a little crazy glue at each end.

If you are able to glue the top and bottom of the crimp bead where the beading thread enters and exits, your chain will become stronger and should not loosen. When the glue is dry you will be able to wear your new glasses chain.