Tips For Choosing And Using Novelty Contact Lens

The novelty contact lens that change your eyes to funky shapes and colors have turned to be quite popular nowadays, but not many people have heard about these unique types of lenses. If you are considering buying them, you should be aware of all the ramifications. You probably you didn’t even know that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration allows only novelty contact lenses made here. Do your homework about these contact lenses and be aware of the dangers, then in case you decide to wear them, you should certainly purchase them from a qualified eye care specialist.

When choosing these eye accessories you should know that they come in lots of different designs, like flags and bears. Novelty contact lenses were first used at Halloween parties but later on they were utilized for many other occasions. Maybe you are not aware of the fact that up until now just about anyone could sell them. You can find them on the Internet, at open novelty markets and even in beauty salons. They can be sold to anyone over 18 years of age. One size of the novelty contact lenses of the past was said to fit anyone, but this was far from the truth.

Actually there are quite some many people who lost eyesight because of them. If you are planning to buy novelty contact lenses, visit an ophthalmologist and get such lenses made in extended wear for you. If you follow my advice, your lenses will fit your eye and this is how you will avoid corneal infections. Such affections are also possible when the novelty contact lenses are stored in a solution for a long period of time.

When having novelty contact lenses you should take good care of them, just as if they were vision corrective type of lens or coloured contacts. If you don’t know the proper cleaning procedures, consult any qualified eye doctor. He will also tell you how long you should wear them.

In case you want to be different and have novelty contact lenses, you can use them but you should do it the right way. Be careful not to get any infections in your eyes. Such infections are often contagious, so you must be very careful. Apart from that, having eye problems will cost you medical bills and treatment that you probably cannot afford. Of course, you should never give your contact lenses to any other person. Novelty contact lenses are really fun to use and with the right handling they are no different than the other types of lenses.

Enjoy wearing your novelty contact lenses and show your creativeness when you have them designed. Don’t forget to follow the instructions of your eye doctor and in case of need seek additional medical advice. As far as your eyes are concerned, it’s better to be safe than sorry. To end with, novelty contact lenses show your creativeness and individuality, so use them but follow the instructions.