Superiority of Wearing Contact Lens to Eyeglasses

Nowadays, eyeglass manufacture has been threatened by the emergence of contact lenses, two pieces of discs which are placed on the retina to correct vision. With the production of contacts of various types and colors, the competition comes to be fierce. There are rigid or semi-rigid, whose maintenance is relatively easy but which are sometimes poorly tolerated by the eye. Other versions of flexible plastic polymer are easier to accept but require careful daily cleaning with a special product. There are also disposable lenses, which can keep one or two weeks later. In all cases, the ophthalmologist will check before prescribing the lenses if the eye secretes enough tears to support them. Why would customers choose to wear contact lenses? Here below are superiorities of wearing contact lenses to eyeglasses.

Contact lens is both a vision correction and an aesthetic correction. People who have ever worn eyeglasses would know that the two frames placed before eyes indeed cover charm and beauty of eyes, which gives others a blue image. Contact lenses placed on the retina, help them free from eyeglasses. It seems that they have regain their normal eyesight back again sometimes.

Contact lens enables the wearers a broader view just like people with good eyesight. Vision provided by eyeglasses is always restricted between areas within the two lenses; on the contrary, there is no limitation of the contact lens vision and the peripheral vision is more ample and without grey area.

Contact lens is more practical for one to wear when he/she wants to participate in sports, such as basketball and football. There is no possibility for the contacts to fall over, get fogged, scratched and broken.

However, contact lens is not perfect, and there are small constraints as well. For they directly are in touch with the eyes, they must be kept clean every now and them. As a result, regular cleaning is necessary. In addition, out of the same reason, eye irritations and infections are more possible for people wear contacts often, therefore, regular eye examination is also necessary. On one hand, it diagnoses eye problems; on the other hand, it prevents eye diseases. But you should not draw in yourself home when you hear those drawbacks of contact lenses. As long as you take notice, it rarely happens.