The world of vision correction has become a major industry in the United States. Everyone seems to be offering contact lenses for prescription contact lens wearers. You can often buy them at the doctor’s office, Wal-mart, over 1-800-Contacts, and now you can even buy contacts online. The question becomes whether or not you should purchase discount contacts online.
Without a doubt the most expensive place to buy contacts is through your doctor’s office. Next in line are the specialty eye care stores such as Pearl Vision. After these stores are your discount stores and your bulk stores such as Wal-mart, Costco, and Sam’s Club. Perhaps the cheapest way to get contacts is through a phone or online provider. You can purchase discount contacts online for significantly less money, but the question is whether or not it is safe.
Still, there are some drawbacks to purchasing your contacts online. The question you have to ask is whether or not it is safe. When you purchase from a doctor or from a special eye care venue, you are likely to receive more tips on how to care for your contacts. You may even receive trial solutions to test out on your eyes.
Ordering your contacts from a doctors office does not ensure that your prescription will be filled correctly. Neither will calling in to a phone service or an online service. Also, never order contacts that do not require a prescription from online, discount or not. Contact lenses require a prescription for a perfect fit. Wearing contacts without one could create problems for your eyes. Contacts need to be fitted as close as possible to prevent this.
Purchasing discount contacts online can be a less expensive way to buy your contacts, but you need to know the ins and outs before making a purchase.
Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more contact lens tips and discount contact lenses online that you can research and purchase in your pajamas on his website.