Seeing Yourself in a New Light – The Advantages of Wearing Contact Lenses

“Gee whiz, look at his eyes”

“I can tell by the look in your eyes”

“Private eyes are watching you”

We talk about them, we sing about them, we remember them. Your eyes are indeed one of the most expressive parts of your body, why hide them behind glasses when it is not necessary?

“Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder” is a true statement when describing contact lenses.

Your eyes are your minds visual door to the world and they receive and give you information that is vital to your lifestyle.

Eyes are truly expressive, and when they are functioning at their best, we say we have perfect vision.

There are some fortunate enough to enjoy this gift, the rest of us have to compensate.

Before the development of contact lens as a practical application, if your vision was less than perfect, your only choice was to wear glasses.

Glasses are great and as time moved forward the styles increased and diversified.

In the eyewear market caught the eye of the fashion world’s top designers, and today Gucci, Ralph Lauren and Valentino eyeglass frames that cost as much as $800.

But style problem is that glasses obstruct a clear view of the face.

Sunglasses are the perfect eyewear to invest in a designer name, because protecting the eyes from harmful sun rays is the one area where contact lenses are less effective than glasses.

Contact lenses were first described and sketched by Leonardo da Vinci in the early 1500s, but with the introduction of modern contact lens technology everything changed.

In 1929, hard lenses were developed, becoming an official part of the practice of optometry in 1945 when the American Optometric Association formally recognized contact lens fitting as an integral part of their profession.

The development of soft lenses in 1960 and became available to the public in 1970.

In the past 25 years, contact lens research has provided the means for these two basic forms of vision correction to be significantly improved.

Today, there are millions of people world-wide that wear either hard or soft contact lenses.

And within those two groups, you will find subcategories of style and function.

In fact, now more than even five years ago, there are very few people who cannot wear contact lenses; regardless of what vision condition you have that you wear glasses to correct, there is a contact lens prescription that can replace them.