On Purchasing Toric Contact Lens

Contact lenses are way better than regular eyeglasses in so many aspects. In terms of ease of use, you don’t have to be extra cautious in wearing contacts as it will not drop from your eyes and break easily even if you are wearing it in for an active activity.

More and more types of contacts now are made by manufacturers for special type of use. Like reader contact lenses, colored, etc. One of the most popular types of contacts that is really in demand in the market right now is the toric contact lens.

Toric contacts are in oval like shape and provide power in one direction of vision, either in horizontal or vertical views. Unlike other regular lenses, this type requires special caring tips in wearing.

Regular contacts are in sphere shape and can move freely with the retina of the eyes. Toric on the other hand, remains in on position. It settles in one position for best sharp vision. Too much movement of the eyes while wearing this type o eyewear will lead to reduction of vision. Manufacturers of this lens even make heavier versions of this type of lens to discourage the user from too much eye movement and eye rotation.

This eyewear is effective for special types of patients too. Some patients who tried spherical lenses see no results in the regular lens, but have good vision with toric lens. Patients with large degrees of astigmatism ranging from 3-5D and patients with residual astigmatism are encouraged to wear this type of eyewear.

Toric lenses are usually more expensive than the regular spherical contacts. Because of its special shape and function, this type of contacts requires regular supervision from your eye doctor and proper care.

If you plan to wear this contact lens, it will be better if you consult your doctor and ask for prescription. You also have to try various types of this lens to get the perfect fit and vision. If you already have this eyewear, it will be healthy to see your doctor regularly and ask for any changes in your vision and if you need new prescription.

The Author is an expert in Wheelchairs and Eye Vision and has done a lot of research about it online and offline. Come visit the author latest websites on Electric Power Wheelchair and Contact Lenses to learn much more about the topic.