How to Avoid Problems With Your Contact Lenses

If you are among the multitude of those who have vision problems and wear contact lenses, then you might find these following tips helpful in avoiding problems associated with them.

It is important to follow all of the cleaning guidelines that are described in the instructions when you get your lenses, as well as keeping them sanitary and safe. Never handle your contact lenses without washing your hands first.

Listed below are some of the things that you can do to keep away from many of the problems associated with contact lenses.

•Always use a saline solution that you buy from a pharmacy or a store. It doesn’t matter whether it is generic or not, as they are all just as good as the other ones. You don’t want to use a homemade solution though, as they can be easily contaminated with bacteria.
•Always put in your contact lenses before you apply any makeup to your face. It is important to also realize that you don’t want to put any makeup on the inner rim of your eyelid. In order to reduce the risk of contamination, it is important to replace your eye makeup every 3 to 6 months.
•It is known that wiring extended wear contact lenses are more likely to cause severe eye infections when you wear them for a long time, so if you choose to do so you need to make sure that you follow the cleaning schedule. Be certain that it is a schedule that is recommended by your eye care professional and the manufacturer of the lenses.
•Some signs that you might have a problem with your contact lenses include things like pain or burning in your eye, discharge, blurry vision, a sensitivity to light, and any redness that is out of the ordinary. If any of this occurs, you need to remove your contact lenses and disinfect them right away. You need to know that if any of these things keep happening for longer than 2 to 3 hours after you take them out of your eye, then it is important to contact your eye care professional.
•Make sure to visit your eye doctor at least one time a year to get your eyes checked up, and to make sure that your lenses are still in good condition.

Wearing contacts can be a really nice boost to your self-esteem and your confidence, especially if you’ve had to wear glasses your entire life. Proper care is essential to being able to wear them consistently and safely. I hope that you found this article helpful in helping you to take care of your contact lenses.

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