Hot Tips About Cool Contact Lenses To Save You Money

Most contact lens wearers are usually surprised and happy with the level of comfort they find that lenses provide. It’s easy to order the perfect low cost contact lenses online today. Once that you have your contact lens prescription it’s easy to buy discount contact lenses online or from stores, over the phone, or by mail if you wish.

Make sure that you always buy from a reputable company. You can buy discount contact lenses without a prescription, but the company is selling you the lenses as if it were an over-the-counter device, is violating FTC regulations. If you’ve always wanted to change the color of your eyes then color contact lenses can provide baby blues, gorgeous greens, and heavenly hazels. You can even get some unusual colors and patterns and designs.

There are a few differences in the water content and shape of the lenses between different brands. The ability to hold water increases the oxygen permeability of soft lenses and increases their fragility also. In some lenses, one lens can correct for near and the other correct for distance vision.

The rigid gas-permeable contact lenses are much more durable, are resistant to deposit buildup, and generally do give you a clearer, crisper vision field. There are two general recognized categories of contact lenses. They are – soft and rigid gas permeable. So you don’t get them mixed up you can mark the rigid lenses to show which lens is for which eye. They won’t rip or tear, so they’re very easy to handle and work with.

The length of your continuous lens wear depends on the type of lens and your doctor’s evaluation of how you will be able to tolerate them for overnight wear. There are a few rigid gas-permeable lenses that are approved for overnight wear too. Rigid gas-permeable lenses are usually much less expensive over the life of the lens since they last longer than soft lenses do.

The extended wear contact lenses are for overnight or continuous wear ranging from one to six nights or for up to 30 days or so. With planned-replacement lenses, the doctor usually works out a good replacement schedule that will meet the needs of the patient.

Before you buy any contact lenses online, do some research to see if there are any testimonials at the online supplier’s website or if they are mentioned in any contact lens forums. If you have a health insurance policy or health plan, the insurance plan or policy’s prices from the vendors they provide may or may not be better than what you can find online or elsewhere. Make sure to check to see if you have a health insurance plan that includes vision coverage and if it doesn’t you may want to consider another health insurance company in the future that does include vision insurance.

Make sure to compare prices; don’t just get the most convenient lenses. Get quotes from two or three different online suppliers and offline vendors. Ask about prices and any discount or senior discounts at your doctor’s office when you have your eye examination, or during a follow-up visit after you get your prescription. Often discounts and newspaper coupons can be found but one needs to ask if there are any. When you get your contact lenses order, if you think you’ve received an incorrect lens, check with your eye doctor or eye care professional as soon as possible and don’t accept any substitutions unless your doctor approves it.

If you like get a good feel for how the retailer handles their customer service calls in advance of ordering, in case you have a problem after your order arrives. There are many good contact lens retailers and vendors on the Internet now making the lenses available at low cost or a good discount for both prescription and non-prescription lenses.

Make sure not to wear your lenses any longer than they’ve been prescribed for, nor when sleeping unless you’ve been told it’s okay. If you use disposable lenses always throw them away after the recommended wearing period or risk medical problems. The soft extended-wear lenses will bind down on a closed eye, but they’re porous and allow some tears to get through during sleep. And because they have so little form to them, their binding has very little effect on the shape of the eye.

Heat disinfection is the only method that is truly effective against the microorganism Acanthamoeba keratitis, which is a common culprit for many contact lens wearers. It will also kill organisms on and in the lenses case. Acanthamoeba keratitis is caused by improper lens care and this difficult-to-treat parasitic infection’s symptoms are similar to those of corneal ulcers so be careful. Make sure to getting a proper fit because contact lenses that are poorly fitted can lead to painful eyesores, eye inflammation, and serious eye abrasions.

LASIK and laser correction surgery and its risks can be frightening and too expensive for some people but many people do choose this type of vision correction. But contact lenses can provide a safe, cheap or low cost comfortable and time-tested alternative. If you haven’t had a check-up in the last year or two, you may have issues or problems with your eyes that you’re not aware of, or your contact lenses may not correct your vision as much as you’d like them to do. And if your first lens fitting is performed by an eyecare doctor, he/she can help minimize or eliminate the cause of any eye irritation or discomfort associated with your new lenses.

For more information on color contact lenses and where to buy discount contact lenses visit VisionNurse Helen Hecker R.N.’s popular website which offers tips, advice and resources, including information on LASIK eye surgery, sunglasses, eyeglasses and affordable quality contact lenses