Green Contact Lens and Brown Contact Lens

For some people, they have tried to use colored contacts in the past and hated them. A huge problem with colored contacts, historically, was the fact that they were uncomfortable. Because they had color in them, they were thicker. Instead of the benefits of a soft contact lens, they were much like the old fashioned hard contact lenses. In addition to this, they were also not very effective at doing their job. If your intention was to change your eye color dramatically, you may have been disappointed. Another disadvantage was that they left a ring around your iris. This drew attention to the fact that you’re wearing colored contact lenses.

Thankfully, today, contact lenses do not have these problems. You no longer have irritation and red eyes from wearing the lenses. If you have very dark eye color, you don’t need to worry about spending all that money on something that does not do what you wanted it to. You also do not have to worry about only being able to use them a few times before you need to get new ones. The newer soft colored contact lenses are also easy to handle and of extremely high quality. You can choose from a variety of theatrical or subtle variations no matter what your eye color. For example, you can wear a light green contact lens even if you’re eye color is the same color as your iris.

There were also a number of problems in the past if you wanted it your eye color to look natural. This was partly to do with the lack of variation in that color. If you look in someone’s eye up close, you’ll see that there are many colors that make up an eye color. For example, a blue eye may have a dark brown ring on the outside. The background is a blue color. Disbursed around it may be white flecks and a yellow zig zag pattern. Combined all together, the effect is very natural. Part of what makes it work is depth. In the past, there was no depth. There was also no other color besides the one that you selected. Today’s colored contact lenses include all of these variations and that is what makes them look so natural.

The same goes for a brown contact lens. If you have blue eyes or green eyes, you may want to change to brown for a little while. However, as we all know, there are often many colors that make the brown eye brown. For example, a person who has many redheads in their family will typically have many complex colors in their eye color. While the outer ring may be a dark brown color, the inner colors will vary. These colors will form concentric circles around the iris. The inner colors will usually be dark green followed by orange. For many people, there will also be a golden cast to their brown eyes. This will make the eyes appear amber. Contact lens companies have worked very hard to include all of these subtle variations to make your contact lenses as natural looking as possible.