Getting contact lenses without prescription will not usually be a straightforward business. If you’ve already tried then you’ll know just how hard it can be.
Let’s have a look at some of the main issues concerning getting lenses without a prescription. Here’s what we’ll look at:
•Can you get them?
•Is it legal to get contacts without prescription?
•What sort of lenses can you get?
•Is is safe to buy contact lenses if you don’t have a prescription?
Let’s look at these points in order:
Can you get them?
Broadly speaking, yes you can. But don’t get too excited. If you want something then someone, somewhere, will be prepared to sell it to you. And in the age of the internet it’s much easier for the buyer and seller to find each other. This really brings us to the next point:
Is it legal to get contacts without prescription?
In many parts of the world it is not legal to buy or sell contact lenses if you do not have an up to date prescription. There are some places where it is legal to buy certain kinds of contacts without a prescription, and this is what the next point is about.
What sort of lenses can you get?
Contact lenses fall into two categories. Cosmetic and sight-correcting. Cosmetic lenses are used to change the appearance of your eyes but do not usually correct vision. Sight-correcting, or prescription, lenses help you to see properly. There are some lenses which are both corrective and cosmetic. In most places you cannot legally buy or sell cosmetic or prescription lenses, but in Canada, cosmetic contacts are not classed as medical devices and these may be bought and sold without a prescription.
Is it safe to buy lenses if you don’t have a prescription?
As we’ve seen, getting contact lenses without prescription will not be easy. Suppose you are determined to do it. Is it safe? Well, it’s definitely a risk. The laws are designed to regulate the industry and give the consumer protection. If you are not sure about the lenses you are buying or where you are buying them from then it is not really sensible to be putting them into your eyes. The eye is a delicate organ and not one to take risks with. If you don’t have a current prescription then it’s safest to get one. This is the best way of getting your contact lenses.
For more information, please visit getting contact lenses without prescription.