Until recently, if you suffered from astigmatism and wanted to change your eye color you were rather out of luck. Not anymore. FreshLook ColorBlends Toric contact lenses from the CIBA Vision Corporation offer you the excitement of transforming your appearance with a great new color while at the same time replacing your blurry astigmatic vision with crisp, clear visual acuity. They are typically replaceable bi-weekly and usually worn and removed daily, although some people can use them for up to seven days of extended non-stop wear between removals.
FreshLook ColorBlends Toric lenses allow you to transform the way you look by illuminating and enhancing your eyes with a great selection of vibrant colors. They are available in blue, honey, green and grey for individuals with astigmatism. While the color selection for astigmatism eye contacts is a bit more limited than for traditional contact lenses, you still have the chance to adopt a completely different look with the beautiful colors available.
CIBA Vision strives to make these lenses look completely natural, so that you don’t have to worry about people realizing you’ve changed your looks–unless you want them to know that through a drastic change in appearance! It uses a 3-in-1 manufacturing technique that blends three rich hues of color into a single one, which gives the result an incredible and natural depth such as you would expect in any great pair of eyes.
Of course, there’s more to a great pair of lenses than just how they change your looks and eye color. They must also completely fix your astigmatism, which is a condition where your cornea ends up shaped more like an egg than a round ball and therefore distorts light that should focus on the retina. FreshLook ColorBlends Toric lenses address this problem by affixing themselves over the cornea and compensating for its strange shape, re-focusing light rays on the retina and restoring you to crystal-clear vision.
The comfort level of the lenses while worn is also a consideration. FreshLook ColorBlends Toric lenses are made of phemfilcon A, a hydrophilic (water-absorbing) co-polymer made up of 55% water when hydrated fully. A high water content equates to increased smoothness and wearing comfort for as long as you use your lenses.
As if all these features weren’t enough, these lenses also provide protection against ultraviolet light rays. That’s a good thing, because UV rays can harm your vision in the long term. The protection is not perfect, because the lenses cannot cover your entire eyeball or the surrounding area. For that, you need a good pair of sunglasses. Nevertheless, it’s an additional level of protection you can count upon on top of good protective eyewear.
It should go without saying that adopting a new brand of toric lenses requires input from your eye doctor. Don’t skip this step! This is particularly true if you are considering the lenses for extended wear. While some people can tolerate these lenses overnight, you may not be able to do so because your vision and medical needs are unique to you. You may cause yourself harm if you attempt this without getting your doctor’s nod of approval. He or she will also discuss with you your optimum replacement schedule.
What could be more exciting than switching your eye color to a fabulous new look, while at the same time having crystal-clear vision? FreshLook ColorBlends Toric contact lenses offer the best of both worlds, giving you the opportunity to dramatically or subtly change your appearance using high-quality, state of the art colored toric lenses that will correct your astigmatism. If a different look with a flexible wearing and replacement schedule appeal to you, you’ll be glad you tried this brand.
David Long is an expert on toric contact lenses. Visit his site to find money-saving coupons and the best deals on FreshLook ColorBlends Toric and other lenses for astigmatism.