Free Samples of Contact Lenses: Free Giveaways or Shameful Promotions?

So, you are looking for free samples of contact lenses? Perhaps you saw a commercial that said “visit our website for a coupon to receive free samples of contact lenses.” Or, “see your eye care provider today for your free pair of so and so lenses.”

While this a great way for lens manufacturers to have you try their brand of contact lenses, most contact lens fitters do not require such coupons.

In order to get free samples of contact lenses, that particular lens must still be fit to your eye. Therefore you must still visit your eye care specialist. A properly fit soft contact lens must center correctly, move slightly with a blink, match the contour of your eye, and correct your vision. Any lens that does not meet all those minimum criteria does not fit. So why bother with some free samples of contact lenses that won’t work for you?

Here is a secret the other websites and commercial advertisements might not be telling you: You don’t need a coupon to get free samples of contact lenses.

If you are having issues with your current lenses, or have never worn lenses before, your specialist will fit you with something different. Depending on the type of fit, your lens fitter may have diagnostic lenses in the office for evaluation. If the diagnostic contact lenses are a good fit, chances are you can take them home to try out (yes, even without a coupon).

There are some instances where free samples of contact lenses can not be handed out. For example, if you do not wear a pre-packaged, disposable contact lens. Non disposable lenses are not given to eye care providers as diagnostic tools and therefore will need to be ordered per case. Also, gas permeable contacts can not be given out as free samples. Every gas permeable contact lens is made per specs for an individual patient; therefore it would not be possible to have free samples on hand.

So you can search out coupons for free samples of contact lenses, or you can let your specialist decide which lenses might be a better option for you.

Steve Cogger helps thousands of contact lenses wearers find the perfect lens for their eyes. His busy New York practice specializes in all lens modalities. For more consumer information and education, visit the informative contact lens website