Easy to Handle and For Better Comfort – Contact Lenses

There was a time when spectacles were customary for any kind of vision problem – the same metal frame with thick glass , and of course the grand father like character. Always rubbing the glasses with a cotton handkerchief to wipe out the dusts and consequently making yourself ready for the trouble some toil to do it with such frequency.

But today the scenario has been changed. There’s no time to rub and wear and doing it in a regular interval. Modern scientific invention of ‘contact lenses’ have resolved this crucial crisis.

It is easy to wear and within everyone’s reach, with different combination; sprinkling a best complexion upon your personality.

There are various advantages of using contact lenses. It prevents UV rays or the blue rays of the sun and prevents your eyes (cataracts) from serious detrimental platforms. It will give you the full freedom to become more industrious with a beautiful ease and a livelier platform in which you an work for a longer period.

But you should take care while installing contact lenses by yourself-

i. Make sure the lens looks like half a bowl.

ii. Place the lens on your fingers so that a cup is formed.

iii. Hold the lens up directly infornt of your eyes in a way that you are looking at the side of that cup. Those who wear lenses with a handling tint, the way to place the lenses on your fingertip and then look down at it.

There are some contact lenses with ‘laser marking’ (brand name) on the edge to guide you as such-

i.Wash your hands thoroughly before applying your contact lenses, but be careful to avoid oily soaps that might gasp the surface of the lens.

ii.Gradually shake your lens case which contains the storage solution to loosen, your contact lens.

iii.Gently slide your lens out of its case , and place it into the palm.

iv.Take it on the tip of your index or middle finger , but don’t forget , your finger should be dry.

v.With the help of your fingers and thumb of your other hand simultaneously pull up on the upper eyelid and down on your lower eyelid.

vi.You navigate the lens on your eye while looking forward.

vii.Finally roll your eyes in a complete circle to make it install and then blink to complete the establishment of lens.

The removing process is also easier as the installation-

i.while removing look upward as sideways at the time when you pull down on your lower eyelid, skillfully direct the lens onto the white of your eye.

ii.Then gently pinch the lens both with your index finger and thumb to lift it off the eye.

The entire rules are comfortable and completely tension free from the chaos of wearing heavy glasses and is useful to enhance your own personality not as a ‘grandfather/mother’ like but like a handsome or beautiful modern man or women.

Get the best place to buy contact lenses is Contact Lens Compared where you can find the best quality contact lenses at a reasonable range