One way, it has been found, is to reduce the water content of the lens. Some people have responded well to the new hydro gel contact lenses. Contemporary silicon hydro gel lenses are only about 30% water – which is much less than the 50% to 60% of traditional lenses, and the 70% of soft contact lenses. In addition, the new polymers used in the contact lenses maintain the lens soggy.
Most high water content lenses dehydrate rapidly and rely on the eyes tear film to replenish the lost water. For someone that already has dry eyes, this creates a very uncomfortable contact lens environment. Contact lens related dry eye can be very noticeable at the end of the day or during extended computer use.
Soft lenses have a high water content which makes them satisfied primarily and they retain that high water content in most environments. For a person wearing soft contact lens, this means it does not rely on absorbing as many tears as other lenses to maintain a moist state. Whether at the computer, the theatre, or the beach, soft contact lenses for dry eyes stay comfortable.
Contact Lenses For Dry Eyes:
Dry eye is a common disorder, caused by the insufficiency of tears in the eyes, or by unwarranted tear disappearance. Dry eyes are associated with a number of causes, such as drug use, inflammation, allergic reactions, and contact lens use. Dry eyes often cause contact lens bigotry. People normally suffering from mild dry eyes may not feel any discomfort until they wear contact lenses, and the discomfort increases with the hours spent in front of the computer.
Some doctors recommend switching to Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) contact lenses for dry eye syndrome. RGP contact lenses are made from polymeric materials and do not contain any water. This is unlike soft lenses, and so water will not evaporate from their surface.
One most important benefit of RGP contact lenses is that they do not lump oxygen flow to your corneas, as they are gas permeable. This is strong for your eyes as lack of oxygen can cause serious eye problems, including inflammation of the cornea. An additional plus point is that as they contain no moisture, they do not dry out. Consequently, they may be perfect for those working in conditions, where there is a chance of dry eye syndrome.
You can also find more info on Bifocal Soft Contact Lens and Buy Contact Lenses Online. Onlinecontactlenseshelp is a comprehensive resource to know more about online contact lenses.