Designer Contacts Can Mean An Unorthodox Accent To Your Style

In the world of fashionable eye wear, the phrase ‘designer contacts’ is frequently used to denote established fashion brands. But that description can mean a great many things depending on who’s doing the advertising and what clientele they are catering to. Sometimes, ‘designer’ is referencing a thoroughly unorthodox approach to what is normally meant when this term is used.

Many consumers choose their eye wear by looking for recognized and/or established brands and then choosing from the product line on offer in terms of what they’re looking for at that time. Even when shopping for solely utilitarian purposes, often times they will not buy eye wear from a brand they don’t recognize.

But, aside from being integral, even crucial pieces of equipment for many people who use them as a temporary or permanent substitute for eyeglasses, contact lenses can also add an unexpected accent to ones wardrobe or costume. This is ‘designer’ then stops referencing brand, so much as function. For starters, there are a wide range of colored contact lenses that feature various hues designed to make your eyes look like they are naturally a completely different color.

Everything from the truly baroque, to the bizarre and macabre are available. Depending on the company, an entire arsenal of alternate colors can be purchased, from natural, typically occurring shades of blue and green, to subtle mixes of differing tones, to utterly unnatural hue combinations like orange and black.

Several companies offer ‘crazy’ or special effects themed lenses that run an incredible gamut from ingenuity and cleverness to the outright weird. There are cats eye lenses, various images like skulls, stars, butterflies, crosses, happy faces, arrows, and even spiderwebs winding around the lens. Others are offered with incredibly detailed, richly intricate patterns reminiscent of metal scroll work or ancient architecture.

While most of these kinds of lenses tend to be cosmetic in nature, there are versions specifically tailored to the needs of their clientele. Take the series of UV sensitive, prescription lenses that react under black lights for instance, or those offered by one company that are entirely red- uniquely crafted for cyclists to reduce road glare as a result of the sun.

As with every genre, there are what some would consider extremes in the field of contact lenses, such as the example one individual craftsmen created as an entry into a competition, featuring several tiny crystals embedded in a circle around the outside of the lens- what he termed ‘eye jewelry’. Another example is the set designed for the elite by one prominent fashion house which were outlined in real gold and etched with their logo. Finally, there is even research underway for the use of microscopic scale manufacturing techniques to create lenses with imprinted lights and electronic circuits for augmented reality display systems.

Some of what is available in the genre of contact lenses is expected and utilitarian, while other offerings are incredibly innovative and exciting. For those who already wear them, or for those who just wish to spice up their wardrobe a bit and make an unusual statement, designer contacts present a unique opportunity to become the center of attention without saying a word.

Shop online when looking for Acuvue 2 contact lenses, eyeglasses and special effects lenses. Providing the widest selection of contacts online and designer glasses at huge savings when compared to retail prices.