Dailies Contact Lenses

See the world through a new pair of eyes everyday with Dailies Contact Lenses. That’s right just as the name implies Dailies are a brand of daily disposable lenses.

You put a fresh pair in your eyes in morning and throw them in the trash before you go to bed at night. Lens care and maintenance doesn’t get any easier. Contact lens wearers who travel regularly really appreciate the simplicity. Imagine not having to be burdened with buying, stocking and packing extra toiletries such as lens cleaning solution, storage containers and enzyme tablets.

At first it may seem like you are paying a far higher cost for daily disposable contacts than for other lenses. But if you take into account the fact that you are not spending any money whatsoever on cleaning solutions and accessories you’ll find it works out to be about the same cost. You can hardly put a price on vision comfort and clarity and with Dailies and other disposable lenses you get both.

Contact lenses tend to become fuzzy and scratchy to wear as your day goes on. After awhile your lenses will be uncomfortable from right when you first put them in. The main reason for this is that natural proteins in the eye stick to your lenses and build up deposits. Eventually even regular cleaning and sterilizing will have no affect and your contacts become irritating and blurry.

The beauty of daily disposable lenses is that you start fresh each day and with no deposits. There is not an extended wear contact lens out there that can compare to the clear, comfortable vision you get with a daily disposable. These benefits make it worth it to give Dailies Contact Lenses a try. You can even get a free trail before making the investment.