Crazy Halloween Contacts That Are Prescription Free

If you are one of those people who are lucky enough to have perfect vision, then there is some good news for you from the cosmetic world this Halloween. Not only can you also take part in the growing trend of wearing Halloween contacts, but you can get into this cool and exciting fall fashion trend with absolutely no prescription! That’s right, you do not have to have a prescription to wear FX lenses (Halloween contacts)

Have you ever wanted to change the color of your eyes with a pair of crazy Halloween contacts? Many people believe that you need to have a prescription to get FX Halloween contacts lenses. This is totally false. if you have perfect vision already, then you can still wear a pair of FX contacts that have no prescription. However, you will find while shopping for your contacts online that there are some designs that are plano ( prescription – free ) and others that are prescription based lenses.

One question that you may be asking yourself is, “What are Halloween FX contacts made from?” Here is your answer: Halloween contacts are usually made with two layers of soft plastic, in which the color / design of the lense is fully encased in order to shield the eye from coming into contact with paints/inks that are used in the design. They are easy to put in, comfortable to wear, and have absolutely no side effects! Of course, just like prescription contacts you need to care for them properly and keep them clean in order to keep your eyes safe and healthy.

It is important that you call your eye doctor and make sure that the lenses you desire will work with your eyes. It’s always important to ensure that you are putting the right lens in your eyes. Now get out there are and find the Halloween contacts that will really complement your look for October 31st!

James Crawford is a writer/contributor for the Crazy Halloween Contacts and costumes sections of, a Halloween Blog that focuses on costumes, fx lenses, decorations, parties, ideas, trick or treating, pop-culture, movies and more. A fan of spooky things since a kid, James enjoys blogging about all things related to the Halloween season.