Contacts are not just for the vision impaired any longer. They are for anyone who wants to generate looks of horror or just for the fun of seeing your friends and family’s faces when they see you wearing them. We are talking about costume contact lenses that were once only available to theatrical companies. Contact lenses that are designed to be worn as part of a costume or only for occasional use have become available in the past few years to the general public. There is a large variety of lens available that will give Halloween costumes the special effects you are seeking.
Many of the novelty lenses that are available to the public include horror lenses, wacky, scary, glow in the dark and sclera lenses. Wacky or crazy lenses come in a variety of designs such as spirals, checker board, flowers, shamrocks and other nutty designs. These can be purchased as corrective lenses or simply for fun. They are available at many local novelty shops as well as online at Lensmart, the leading retailer of this type of contact lens. Their crazy designs generate looks of surprise and chuckles that make them all worth while.
The more scary type of contacts is the vampire and wild designs that give your costume the scary look of a special FX film. These are generally sold to be worn occasionally and with proper care can last you up to a year. They should be cared for in the same manner as you would care for normal corrective contacts. You must have a prescription for most all forms of contact lenses. This does not mean you must have a corrective prescription but your eyes must be assessed and measured to ensure proper fit of your lenses.
In addition to the vampire lens, black sclera, Riddick and gothic lenses are sold that create different looks for your eyes. For instance black sclera lenses are lenses that cover the entire surface of the eye. They only leave a small amount of white or pink at the corners. These are also called black out lens. They are available in black and white which also makes them a gothic style of lens. Riddick lenses are covered with a mirrored material on the surface. When wearing these lenses, people will literally see themselves in your eyes.
Costume contact lenses are still used as special FX props for film and theatrical companies but they are also used as accessories to Halloween costumes. Online retailers such as Lensmart have a wide variety of special effects contact lenses including wild, and glow in the dark lenses as well as Riddick mirrored lenses. The next time you are looking for the perfect accessory for your band, a costume or just for the element of surprise, consider wearing a pair of contact lenses that will give your eyes that stand out look. The looks and stares you will receive are well worth the time and money you put into them and since they can last up to a year, you can wear them many times over.
For more information concerning Costume Contact Lenses, pay a visit to our site