Costume Contact Lens Options

It seems like Halloween is always on the horizon, and if it’s not then there are always a multitude of other reasons for getting dressed up. Some people just want to outdo their coworkers at the latest costume party, while others are far more interested in getting their partners excited in the bedroom. Regardless of your particular interest, there are costume contact lens options available that can help you to bring the costumed dream in your mind to reality. Even better, you can make these dreams come true and present an image that will be so real that even your best friends will be rendered speechless.

Aliens, monsters, and more

With today’s costume contact lens options, you can literally become almost anything that you want to become. Have you always wanted to have the kind of scary yellow eyes you see staring back at you from many of the alien faces in Hollywood science fiction movies? You can now get nearly any shade of these yellow lenses from various costume lens websites for as little as $30 a pair.

Have you thought about showing up at a Halloween party dressed up like a werewolf or other type of monster? Maybe you should try a pair of blood red or glow in the dark lenses. This costume contact lens can be had at rates ranging from $25 to under $100. Whether you want jet black pupils, eyes that look as though they are aflame, or slit pupils to give yourself a reptilian appearance, there is a pair of costume contact lens to suit your need.

Keeping it at home

Even more attractive to many people is the use of costume contact lens options as a part of a healthy sex life. Dressing up for your partner is nothing new, but the idea of dramatically changing the look and color of your eyes to complete your costume is definitely novel. With today’s lens choices, it is easy for any woman to dress up as the sexy kitten she has always wanted to be – complete with feral eyes and a tail if she wants. Any man who has ever wanted to be with one of the many blue-skinned, violet eyed aliens on the science fiction silver screen can now see his dream come true. All that he needs to do is be fortunate enough to have a woman who is as interested in dressing up as he is in seeing her do so.

The casual change

Costume contact lens options need not wait for Halloween or a spicy night in the bedroom. There are far more occasions when you will just want to change the color of your eyes for an important date, or simply to reflect your current mood. There are, fortunately, costume contacts that are far less extreme than those mentioned above but that will still allow you to express aspects of your personality that would otherwise remain dormant. The next time you feel like dressing up or acting out, you should be sure to give some thought to adding costume contact lens to your ensemble.

by Werner Wichmann who write articles on buying contact lenses online. Take a look at his website to get advice on how to select the perfect pair for you