Contact Lenses Without Prescription

Before we go any further into the subject of buying contact lenses without prescription, it’s probably a good idea to explain what we mean by “prescription” in this context, as there is often confusion.

Contact lenses can be prescription or non-prescription, in the same way as glasses. Prescription lenses are designed to correct a vision disorder whereas non-prescription contacts are effectively clear. That is, they do not change your vision. An example of non-prescription contact lenses is colored lenses, although some prescription contacts are now available in a range of colors.

The other use of the word “prescription” refers to the piece of paper you are given after an eyesight test which details the type of contact lens you require to correct your vision. This will include the strength of the lenses and the curvature of the lenses.

When people talk about buying contact lenses without prescription they are generally talking about the piece of paper. That is, they have nothing, or nothing up to date, to say what lenses they require but they still want to buy them. Usually it will be prescription lenses that someone wants to buy without prescription, but the question also arises with ‘plain’, purely cosmetic lenses. Can these lenses be bought without prescription?

The most common reason why someone wants to buy contact lenses without prescription is because they haven’t had an eye test recently but they know what lenses they need from their last test. They don’t think their eyesight has changed, for better or worse, so why not just get the same lenses as last time? This seems fairly reasonable but unfortunately, in many countries, this is not possible. The law says that you must have a prescription before anyone is allowed to sell you lenses.

This may seem unfair, after all, it’s your eyes which are at risk. But whatever you think about the fairness of it, remember that you only have one pair of eyes. A regular eye test will make sure that you get the right contact lenses and will also pick up on any other problems which might have developed in your eyes.

It’s always a good idea to get a current prescription, even if you do live somewhere where you can buy contact lenses without prescription.

For more information about buying contact lenses without prescription, please go to our site