Contact Lenses – How to Remove Them Safely

As most contact lens wearers know, one of the hardest aspects of caring for them can be removing them from your eye at the end of the day. This is particularly true if your eyes have dried out, as it can cause the lens to stick to your eye more than usual.

This simple procedure will help you remove your contact quickly, easily, and with minimal chance of complication, such as everyone’s nightmare of pushing the lens behind their eye!

1. Clean Your Hands

As with inserting your lenses, it is essential to have clean hands when removing them, to minimise your risk of getting dirt or other particles in your eye. Therefore the first step is to give your hands a thorough wash with soap, being sure to rinse it all off so you don’t get any in your eye.

2. Open Your Eye

Using your left hand for your right eye, and vice-versa, pull your upper eyelid upwards. Then use your the middle finger of your other hand to pull the bottom eyelid down. This exposes your eyeball so that you can get a good grip on your lens.

3. Move The Lens Away From Your Iris

Place the index finger of this second hand on the center of your contact and slide it outwards, away from your iris. You may also find it beneficial to turn your eye to look in the other direction as you do this.

4. Pinch And Remove The Lens

Finally, place your thumb on the other side of the lens, and pinch it so that it folds and moves away from your eye. It should now be fully separated from your eyeball. Place the lens somewhere safe and repeat on the other side before washing and storing them both.

Removing your contact lenses doesn’t have to be difficult, and in fact can become a quick and easy task once you know the proper technique to use

Paul has worn contacts for over 10 years, and it took him a long time before he perfected the technique of removing them safely and quickly. He runs a website providing information about where to get great try-before-you-buy trial contact lenses, as well as information about lenses for fancy dress occasions such as orange contact lenses