Contact Lenses – Common Questions From New Wearers

A lot of new contact lenses wearers have questions about their contact lenses. One of the more popular initial questions is how to tell if the contact lens is inside-out. There is a trick that easily answers this question. You should place the lens on your finger so the lens forms a cup. Look at the lens directly in front of you so you are looking at its side. A lens that forms a “U” with the top edges out means the lens is inside-out. A lens that forms a regular looking “U” is in the correct position. A lens inserted onto your eye in the wrong position will not cause any damage to your eye but you will be able to tell immediately that something is wrong.

Applying your contact lenses just takes a little initial practice. Before long you will be putting your lenses on your eyes in no time. You should wash your hands before touching the lenses to rid your skin of any oil. Use regular non-scented soap to wash your hands. Get in the habit of applying one or the other contact first so you never mix them up. Never attempt to pull the lens with your finger if it is stuck in the lens case. Simple shake the case until the lens loosens. You should position the lens on the tip of your index or middle finger while pulling your eyelid open with your other hand. Place the lens on your eye while looking either upward or forward, whichever feels better for you. Once the lens is on your eye you should roll your eye in a full circle to assist the lens to settle in completely, and then blink your eye.

These simple steps are all it takes to insert your new contact lenses. Like anything else it just takes a little practice and getting used to.

To learn more about different styles of contacts, and to find some cheap contact lenses, please visit this link.