Contact Lenses and Dry Eye Syndrome

For anyone has suffered from contact lenses and dry eye syndrome in the past it may be time to give lenses a try again.

A fresh approach in development of corrective lenses has led to improved comfort for people who suffer from irritating dryness when they wear contacts.

Not only is improved technology lessening the discomfort caused by dry eye syndrome it’s also getting directly to the source of the symptoms as well.

One company Proclear Contact Lenses has introduced a technology that uses membranes found in human cells to fight dryness and hang on to moisture.They have created a lense especially for people who tend to suffer from not enough moisture when they wear lenses.

Another brand Acuvue Oasys has focused their attention on increasing the amount of oxygen that gets through the lense to the eye.

When the eye is not able to get enough oxygen it can’t produce natural tears to keep the eye lubricated. Increasing the amount of oxygen that gets through to the eye provides a great relief for those who suffer from dry eyes when they wear contact lenses.

There are some other straightforward steps you can take yourself to reduce the discomfort of dry eyes from wearing contact lenses.

One is to make sure you are using the right cleaning solution for the brand of contacts you are wearing.

Most people don’t realize it but not all brands of eye care solutions work well with all lenses.

Using the right solution is one of the most common remedies for getting some relief from contact lenses and dry eye. Also make sure to clean your lenses according to the directions.

Another thing you can do is to wear sunglasses each time you go outside to protect your eyes from the wind.

These simple steps along with new advancements in technology may eliminate your problem of contact lenses and dry eye syndrome completely.