Contact Lenses – A Confidence Builder For Valentines Day

Confidence is a key component to success in life – from landing a job, to garnering respect and admiration from peers, to falling in love. A person who exudes confidence is generally well regarded – it is much easier to like a person who likes him or herself.

A basic aspect of liking oneself is feeling content with one’s appearance and having a basic acceptance of who we are. For people with vision problems, making the switch from eyeglasses to contact lenses can make a world of difference in their confidence level and self-image.

With Valentines Day just around the corner, now is the time to make the switch to contact lenses, boost your confidence level and maybe work up the courage to ask out the person you most admire.

It is said that the eyes are the gateway into the soul. Gazing into the eyes of a loved one can be quite telling. In the eyes of a significant other, you might see love and compassion; in the eyes of your child you might see traces of yourself and a youthful exuberance. The ability to read one’s emotion in their eyes is truly meaningful and inspiring.

A captivating gaze with a contact lens wearer is simple to achieve. Contacts are worn directly on the cornea, making them nearly invisible. With eyeglasses on the other hand, distracting glares, reflections or fogging of the lenses in varying temperatures make an intimate gaze more challenging, though not impossible.

The aesthetic aspects of contact lenses are the most basic benefits, but there are other important benefits as well. Contact lenses are an effective means of vision correction that provide a great peripheral field of vision, which allows the wearer to be significantly more active than when wearing eyeglasses. Contact lenses offer a natural-looking alternative to wearers – most people aren’t even aware that lenses are being worn – which helps the wearer to feel confident about their appearance.

Although the social benefits of contact lenses are numerous, it is important to remember that a contact lens is a medical device, and should be treated as such. Lenses must be fitted by an eye care professional and it is crucial to eye health that wearers follow their prescribed cleaning and replacement schedule.

Modern contact lenses offer visual solutions for different eye problems. For those who are intrigued by an edgier appearance, or who are seeking something different, colored contact lenses are an option. These lenses are available for people who don’t require vision correction, but must still be fitted by an eye care practitioner.

Contact your eye care practitioner to schedule an exam to be fit for contact lenses today, and visit Contact Lens King for more information on contact lenses and eye health.