So, you’ve heard all the hype about purchasing contact lenses online at a substantial savings, and decided to give it a try. After all, there is no reason you should pay more than necessary for your contact lenses, is there? After searching several sites to see what is available, you soon discover that there are a multitude of opportunities to save varying amounts of money on your lenses. The question then becomes whether you should invest in some commonly known contact lens brands or opt for an even cheaper but lesser known variety. Believe it or not, your decision in this regard can affect the health of your eyes for years to come!
Generic versus name brand
There are many areas in life where the decision to purchase generic items has little to do with the quality of the item you receive. Whether it is bread, a can of vegetables, or a bottle of anti-acids, generic products are in many respects the equal of their better known name brand competitors. When it comes to contact lens brands, however, there should always be some caution exercised in your decision to go with a cheaper generic variety. There is, in fact, a reason why Bausch and Lomb, Acuvue, and other well known brands remain the industry standards.
Generic contact lens brands have often not undergone the level of scrutiny and study necessary to ensure that they are safe for all users. In addition, many of the cheapest knock-off brands simply cannot offer the assurances that every wearer needs when it comes to quality, fit, and the other essentials of contact lens usage. What’s more, the savings provided by many of the lesser known brands are not sufficient to warrant the increased risk that can accompany their use.
Save with name brands
The fact is that you may save an additional few dollars on every box of generic lenses, but the savings involved are not that different than you can obtain by purchasing known contact lens brands. When you are already saving as much as a third of the price of your name brand lenses, is it really worth the added risk just to save another dollar or two? The real key to saving while still getting the best contact lens brands is to research a number of online and offline options before making your decision. In addition to internet options, talk to your eye doctor and visit some of the larger retail eyewear chains. Many times, these professionals will be able to offer discounts of their own – especially when they know that you are going to purchase from a discount store rather than from them.
Overall, it is almost always wisest to stick with your better known contact lens brands, even if they cost a few dollars more. In the end, having reliable, well-fitted prescription lenses manufactured by recognized industry leaders is infinitely preferable to taking unnecessary chances on unknown products – even if those unknowns might offer slight monetary savings when compared to their rivals.
By: Werner Wichmann from buycontactlensesonlinetoday. Where you can find articles and advice on how to buy contact lenses online. Go check it out now.