If you are considering switching from eye glasses to contact’s, beware that there are many myths concerning the danger’s of using contact lenses.
Myth number one is that contact lenses can “get lost” in your eye, or slide to the back of your eye. The fact is that this is impossible.The lens cannot possibly move beyond the front surface of your eye.
The second common myth about contact lenses, is that children can’t use them. This is untrue. If your child is, with your help and assistance, responsible and mature enough to be taught to take care of the contact’s, then he or she can safely wear them. It may even help your child in other area’s, for instance at school, or making friends, etc., due to the fact that large, thick glasses that may have called negative attention to your child, will be a thing of the past.
Myth number three is that lenses aren’t safe to wear while participating in sports. If this were true, many of our athletes would be stumbling around on the football, baseball or soccer fields, half blind! Although it isn’t recommended that you wear them while swimming, diving, or participating in other water sports, it is safe to wear them for other type’s. Speak with your eye doctor about this if you have any concerns.
Myth number four is that you will almost certainly get eye infections from using a contact lens. The fact is that although some people do occasionally get an eye infection, it’s due to not cleaning them properly, or being careless about taking care of them. To avoid getting an eye infection while wearing contact’s, make sure you follow the instructions carefully , and listen to what your doctor says about their care.
Myth number five is that contact lenses will fall out of your eyes repeatedly. If you wear hard lenses, you may encounter this problem, but soft lenses fit up underneath your eyelids, virtually making it nearly impossible for them to simply “fall out”. Soft lenses are also less likely to shift position.
See here for more myths about contact lenses.
Buying contact lenses online is for many a more affordable solution than the average high street optician. Lower costs allow online suppliers of contact lenses to offer lower prices than many high street retailers. Visit us to compare the price of contact lenses from major online UK retailers and find the cheapest price for your contact lenses in the UK.