Colored Contact Lenses – No Prescription Needed

Whatever color eyes you are born with, today changing your eye color has almost become as easy as changing clothes, thanks to nonprescription colored contacts. Unlike in the earlier days when only those who needed vision correction wore contact lenses, these days anyone can wear them to change their appearance. Contact lenses have become popular as a fashion accessory. You can choose from brown, green, purple or blue contact lenses to suit your mood or to enhance the color of your skin or hair. Colored lenses are often used by celebrities to create a more authentic look that matches a character they are portraying or for a more glamorous look for a photo session.

If you have perfect 20/20 vision, you may think that you do not need to visit an optometrist before getting a pair of nonprescription colored contacts. However, it is always advisable to do so as they can measure your eyes and recommend the right size and type of lens for you. They can also advise you on correct care and maintenance of the lenses to prevent any eye irritation or infection. The advantage of visiting a doctor is that you can try on samples of colored contact lenses in different shades and decide whether green, brown or blue contact lenses suit you best.

There are several types of nonprescription colored contacts available in the market. If you want to change your eye color, you need to choose between enhancement lenses and opaque lenses based on whether you have naturally light or dark eyes. Enhancement lenses work best on light colored eyes as they let the natural color filter through the lenses to brighten up the eyes. Opaque lenses work well for people with dark colored eyes. If a person with naturally black or dark brown eyes wanted to change their eye color to blue, they would need opaque blue contact lenses that completely mask the natural dark color. If they used enhancement lenses, then the dark color permeating through the lenses would change the lens color from blue to blue-black and the color change would not be dramatic.

You can order Nonprescription Colored Contacts online through certain websites. However, make sure you choose the right shade, as there are several options in each color.

Blue Contact Lenses come in several shades. You can choose from sapphire blue, deep blue, royal blue and navy blue among others depending on the type of lens you opt for. There are similar options in green and brown, so it is best to try on samples before choosing the shade that can change your look dramatically.

Contact lenses are a popular fashion accessory nowadays. You can buy them online without a prescription and choose from a range of colors to match your clothes, hair or skin.