If you have a desire to change the color of your eyes then the Acuvue color contacts are ideal however caring from them can be a bit of challenge especially to start with. Regardless of what brand of contact you choose to wear it is important to care for them and this may be something that you have not had to do before.
It is surprising the amount of people that have been wearing contact for years and have developed some pretty bad habits that could be putting their eyes at risk. It is very important to keep in mind that poor care of the contacts can result in eye problems so it is therefore important to take care of the contacts.
It is very important not to clean your contacts using tap water. There are a lot of people that know not to do this with the traditional hard contacts as this over time will result in a build up of minerals. It is very important to realize that a build up of deposits happens everyday on the lenses due to them being worn.
The specially formulated lens cleaner is designed to break down the build up whilst disinfecting the lenses. If the lenses are cleaned properly they will be free from bacteria and deposits when they are put back into the eye.
The Acuvue color contacts that are softly colored are very delicate and the tap water contains chlorine and minerals that damage the contacts. Another good reason for not using tap water is that it carries microorganisms that could damage your eye if the cling to the contacts.
It is very important to clean contacts after every time they have been worn, as this will keep them in good condition. Once the Acuvue color contacts have been cleaned they should then be placed in a special contacts storage case.
For more information on Acuvue Color Contacts, please visit our site which is an educational website devoted to helping people understand contact lenses and make a good contact lens selection.