CIBA Contact Lenses

When it comes to high quality and great options for contacts lenses there is one company that offers more lenses on the market than any other.

CIBA Vision which produces CIBA contact lenses is a well respected manufacturer.

It is owned by Novartis which is one of the largest healthcare companies in the world and they are able to produce high quality product at competitive prices.

What makes CIBA such a giant in the contact industry is the array of products they have to treat all kinds of vision correction needs.

Some of the Options you have with CIBA contact lenses include:

Night & Day a monthly lense approved by the FDA for 30 days of day and night continuous wear.

There’s a choice of 10 contacts for astigmatism and you can even ask your doctor about custom made lense products for special needs.

When it comes to bi-focal contacts CIBA has three options that includes Focus Progressives (two week disposables) Focus Daily Progressive which is among the top of all daily disposable lenses and Cibasoft Progressive Toric a multifocal lense that works on bifocal and astigmatism issues at the same time.

Anyone who spends a great deal of time outdoors will appreciate CIBA Vision’s Precision UV lenses.

Another plus about CIBA is that the company manufactures it’s own line of lense care products. The most popular product is called Aquify and it is safe to use with all types of soft contact lenses.

Every person has specific ways in which they need their lenses to perform.

It may be a daily disposable lense or a lense that you can wear for weeks or even a month at time before you take them out and change them.

Whatever your needs may be when it’s time to choose a contact lense that suits you perfectly there are a variety of CIBA lenses to choose from and one is sure to be right for you.