The Four Types of Coloured Contact Lenses
1. Visibility Tint
Visibility tints are coloured solely for the purpose of making the lens more visible should you drop one, also making it easier to insert and remove the lenses.
2. Enhancement Tint
Enhancement tints are translucent lenses with a visible tint when wearing them that changes the eye colour, while also enhancing the eye’s natural colour.
3. Colour Tint
Colour tint lenses are usually opaque tints, often made of solid, vibrant colours or patterns and include costume or theatrical lenses.
4. Light Filtering Tint
Designed mainly for sports use, light filtering tinted lenses enhance certain colours, such as the colour of golf, tennis, or baseballs. They may also be used by sports spectators as well as skiers and many other types that are currently being developed for other sports-related uses.
The Many Colours to Choose From
The wide variety of coloured contact lenses available today is rather impressive. Besides the usual blue, green, gray, brown, and hazel, there are shades such as purple or amethyst, honey, which resembles hazel, and turquoise, a blend of green and blue, as well as many other dazzling shades.
Choosing the Best Colour For You
To choose the best coloured contact lenses for you, it mainly depends on what you’re trying to achieve. Do you want people to notice the change, comment on it? Or would you rather it be a subtle change where you look a bit different, but people aren’t exactly sure why? Or perhaps you only plan on wearing the contacts for special occasions and will want a rather dramatic different from your natural eye colour.
For a noticeable difference: For dramatic a difference, choose colours such as violet, or shades of greens and blues for eyes that are naturally brown. Those with darker skin may want to try the brightest of colours, while those with skin and hair colouring with cool tones should try a shade that’s the opposite, with warm tones such as hazel.
For a subtle difference: Select an enhancer style lens in a shade that will define the outer edge of your irises without changing the entire eye colour, while deepening or intensifying your own colour at the same time. If your skin, hair, and natural overall colouring are warm-toned, try hazel, and if your eyes are blue, choose colours such as green or gray.
For special occasions: Choose a colour completely different from your own in the disposable variety that can be worn once and then discarded. Daily disposable coloured contact lenses were just introduced in 2006 and are relatively low priced since they are designed to be worn only one time before disposal.
If you’re still unable to decide, an eye care practitioner should be able to offer advice and have various disposable lenses for you to try.
The Disadvantages of Coloured Contacts
A complaint of those who have worn coloured contact lenses is that in some instances, the coloured part of the lens slides over the pupil, particularly during blinking. Due to varying light changes, our pupils are constantly changing in size, getting smaller in bright light and larger in the dark, helping us to see better. At night or in dark or dim lighting, when the pupils are their largest, they may actually expand over the coloured part of the lens, affecting vision slightly, although still noticeably.
A great place to buy coloured contact lenses online is [].
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