Change Your Eye Color With Colored Toric Contact Lens

Have you suffered from blurry vision even when you’re wearing contacts? If you have you might ask your doctor about astigmatisms. As a child I was diagnosed with astigmatism, but it was mild and at the time my eye doctor did not warrant a special corrective lens for the problem. My last eye doctor told me I should have Toric contact lenses if the blurriness was too distracting. You may find you have astigmatism, but it has been mild enough the eye doctor hasn’t mentioned special lenses. If this is the case and you wear colored contacts now don’t worry you can still wear colored contact lenses. The producers of Toric contact lenses provide them in color depending upon your eye prescription.

When you are looking for colored Toric contact lenses it may be as simple as asking your eye doctor for the retailers who provide these lenses or you might like to do the research yourself. Online retailers will have catalogs with the colored contacts they supply and they will mention if that lens comes as a Toric contact lens. A colored Toric contact lens is weighted on the bottom so that the contact will fall into place and stay there. Most regular contact lenses are thin in material and move about your eye a little easier when you blink. The Toric lenses disallow this
movement and keep the prescription centered on your eye. Below are a few places that sell colored Toric contact lenses.

FreshLook Color Contact Lenses

This site will offer you such colors as gray, honey, green and blue with astigmatism correction. You will find at most retailers they offer a small variety of colors for Toric contact lenses. With the growth of technology is will be possible to receive other colors shortly, but part of the decision to make only a few colors available is the price of the colored Toric contact lens. Most Toric lenses will cost around $120 for a six- month supply. When you add color that price will rise considerably. You might check other sites for their array of colors as well.

This site offers green, blue, and aqua. This site is also a little pricier than the previous site. Depending upon your prescription you may have to call to find out if they will supply color Toric contact lenses in your prescription. The best way to find colored Toric contact lenses is to ask your eye doctor which brands will supply the lenses and then try and find the company online with the best discount. Eye doctors want to see their patients comfortable in the lenses they wear and are glad to help find the right contacts for you.

You can also find more information at Buy Contact Lenses Online and Color Contact Lenses. Onlinecontactlenseshelp is a comprehensive resource to know more about online contact lenses.