Bifocal Toric Contact Lenses

Bifocal toric contact lenses may be the freedom you been wanting from eyeglasses.

Did you know that even if you have an astigmatism and need bifocals there is a lense for you?

You’re not alone if you didn’t know this because not all that long ago the only option available for people with astigmatism or presbyopia was eyeglasses.

Not anymore! Now people who need glasses to read up close can get bi focal contact lenses and contact lenses for astigmatism.

There have been advances in the contact lense industry that has led to the development of bifocal toric lenses which allow someone with presbyopia and astigmatism to enjoy restored vision with one corrective lense.

Almost everyone over the age of forty can relate to the having to hold reading material at arms length so they can read it.

This happens because the older we get the less elastic our eyes become and it gets harder to bring things like reading material into focus at a close distance.

Presbyopia is part of the aging process. It happens to almost everyone at some point. People with otherwise good vision except for this natural aging process will get themselves a pair of reading glasses.

If you already wear glasses or contact lenses to correct a vision problem with distance then you will need bifocal eyeglasses or contact lenses.

When you have an astigmatism however this means that the eye is shaped long like a football instead of in the shape of a healthy eye which is round like a ball.

The oblong shape stops regular lenses from fitting properly. To correct this eyes with astigmatism are fitted with lenses that are designed specially for the long shape called toric lenses.

A toric lense is essentially two lenses in one kind of like bifocal glasses.

It’s fairly common for someone to have both astigmatism and presbyopia. An eye care professional will be able to fit you for bifocal lenses with no problem but your appointment may take a little longer to get all the correct eye measurements.

This is great news for anyone who has ever believed they were destined to wear glasses forever.