Best Color Contacts For Dark Eyes – Tips On Finding The Best Colored Contacts For Your Eyes

Colored contact lenses are the in thing these days and we see many people, young men and women especially, going for colored contact lenses to keep changing their looks as and when they want. Since the advancements in technology, the evolution of contact lenses and the latest colored contact lenses have seen major leaps and people have started using innovative ways to change their eye color. As the markets these days are flooded with a wide variety and designs of colored contact lenses, you will be sure to find one that will match your style as well as go well with your personality.

If you are a dark eyed person, then choosing a colored contact eye to first cover the darkness of the eye and then to match your style and personality will not be that easy. To change the color of your dark brown eyes into sky blue color is not an easy job, but with the modern methods and contact lenses available, this can be achieved. Only some specific contacts will work out good for you. It is appropriate that you go for opaque contact lenses or enhancement contact lenses that will prevent your dark eyes to be seen through the contact lenses.

Opaque Color Contact Lenses:

If you are a brown eyed person, then your search for colored contact eyes end here. The opaque contact eyes are specially designed for people who have dark brown eyes. As it is clear from its name itself, opaque contact lenses are not transparent and so only the center part will aid in the vision and this is more than enough for you to see. Opaque color contact lenses come in a wide variety of colors such as gray, green, blue, violet, hazel etc.

Enhancement Colored Contact Lenses:

They are not helpful in changing the total look of your eyes. They are designed in such a way that they will enhance the natural color of your eye to make it look even brighter. Hence, they are called enhancement color contact lenses. They are usually available in shades of green, blue and gray. But they are most suitable for light colored eyes or brown eyes. They will only provide a light enhancement which is not very clear when it comes to wearing it over very dark brown eyes.

Color Tint Contact Lenses:

These lenses are found to be a good choice when it comes to coloring of the dark eyes. They are usually preferred by people who would like to have a totally different look by wearing them as they will help in creating a big make over of a person. They come in different shades like violet, blue or green.

Theatrical Lenses:

They also fall in the category of best lenses that will provide good color change to the dark color eyes. If you are interested in changing the total style of your eyes, then these theatrical or costume lenses are the best ones for you. Once used regularly only by film personalities to change their looks on the movie screen, now we find many people using them to have a different look.