Astigmatism Contact Lenses

There was a time when people who had astigmatism couldn’t wear glasses but that was back in the 1980’s and times (and technology) have changed so much these days that this situation has become more ancient rumour or “matter of fact back in the old days” when astigmatism and contact lenses would never be used in the same breath.

The problem is that a “normal” shaped eye is like a perfectly rounded sphere where as the astigmatism affected eye is not shaped the same and can be more shaped like an egg (no, not a goose egg) which means its harder to focus and causes the vision to blur.

RPG (rigid gas permeable) lenses and Toric lenses for astigmatism help you correct this issue.

A toric lense basically have more than one lenses built into another (imagine your parents / grandparents bifocal glasses shrunk down and coming in the form of astigmatism contact lenses).

You can buy astigmatism lenses in both hard and soft form and most lenses manufacturers produce both hard and soft lenses for astigmatism.

Contact lenses can also be customized beyond the standard astigmatism contact lenses prescription; you can order lenses online with different colours like the ones you see being worn by actors on TV with the wild crazy eyes contacts that makes them look like animals, aliens, etc.

Or you could just change your normal eye colour for something to do making your lenses not only more comfortable but also fashionable.

What could be better than to be able to leave your glasses at home and still have good vision thanks to astigmatism contact lenses and then change your eye colour at the same time you change your wardrobe…

Seriously though, astigmatism contact lenses have changed the lives of many people who in the past were destined to only wear prescription glasses but now, the future looks bright and is also in focus.