An Introduction to Purple Colored Contact Lenses

If you are just starting out looking for some contact lenses you might find out that there are actually a few different kinds to choose from. Typically there will be three styles you can get when you want to buy them.

The first kind will be colored, technically but only for usability reasons. They can be shaded different colors, but when you actually put them in, your eyes will not affected. These are only made for it to be easier to find them which can be difficult if they are completely clear, which you might know if you’ve ever lost one, or been around someone who has.

The other kind will be naturally feeling and looking colored contact lenses, which is not that common for the color purple, but it will look more natural than the solid kind, or creature affects. The natural look will be cause by little dots of lighter colors, just like people’s real eye colors have.

The solid kind is going to be more popular in the areas of costume contacts and halloween type events. If you are looking for a freaky look eye color, purple is the way to go. Because no one has a natural purple colored eye they will definitely get a lot of looks which is great if that is what you are going for. Sometimes they will be referred to as violet if it’s a lighter shade of purple.

Purple contact lenses are great because you just don’t see them very often. If you are the kind of person who loves attention, or perhaps loves having the most realistic costume at parties or at Halloween then purple contacts will surely do the job.

Most purple contacts will be the solid type that was mentioned earlier because there is not much a demand for natural purple shades but they are out there.

Remember that while purple is a great color, there are also many other colors to choose from, like red, yellow or even black!

No matter what color you use, these same basic guidelines are applied but with purple contacts you have a great chance of being the center of attention!

Find out more about purple contacts by visiting our site.