About Daily Wear Contact Lenses

Because daily wear contact lenses are so safe they have become very popular with contact lens wearers of all ages. These lenses are meant to worn and then disposed of. There is no worry about storage or cleaning. If you are still not sure if these lenses are right for you here is some contact lens information on daily wear lenses that will give you the pros and cons.

There are many different types of disposable lenses. There are those you throw away each day, others you toss at the end of the week or at the end of two weeks, and still others that you can wear for thirty days.

Daily wear contact lenses are made of a water based polymer which means they feel like a drop of water on your finger. 80% of all contact lens wearers use soft lenses because they are so comfortable that people don’t get irritations from them.

Soft contact lenses fit well on the eye and are able to withstand even a rough sports game because of that fit. And because the disposables are designed to be tossed at the end of their wear period they don’t develop the deposits so they don’t require those elaborate tedious procedures to sterilize your lenses. That’s convenient!

Although daily contact lenses are designed to sleep with the 7 day or longer are. You should not sleep in your daily lenses because you can damage and swelling on the cornea due to a deprivation of oxygen. There can also be infection, itching, and redness which means you’ll have to remove your lenses and see your eye doctor.

Infections can cause pain, blurred vision, sticky secretions, and sensitivity to light. They can lead to serious long term eye problems which is why if it persists for just a few days. Don’t ever let eye problems fester. Your eye sight is not something you want to play around with.

Daily wear contact lenses have pros and cons:About Daily Wear Contact Lenses

1.Daily wear soft contact lenses allow oxygen to pass through and reach the cornea, which makes them really comfortable.
2.They light materials are really comfy and that don’t irritate the eyes.
3.You can get them in a wide range of colors and you can get some funky fashion styles like the cat eyes.
4.Since they are discarded either daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly the problems that occur because of incorrect storage or insufficient sterilization do not happen.
5.Since lenses are replaced either daily or frequently the eyes are protected from protein or lipid deposits. fungal or bacterial growth, and allergies.
6.These lenses rip very easily.
7.They can be used to correct a small number of sight problems.
8.They are much more expensive than long lasting contact lenses.

With all this extra daily contact lens information you and your eye doctor can decide if this is the right type of contact lens for you.