Contact Lenses For Teenagers

For many teenagers, particularly those who can barely remember a time before they wore glasses, getting the first set of contact lenses is an exciting rite of passage. With contacts comes responsibility. Depending on the type of contact lenses, teenagers may have to remember to clean contact lenses in a specialized solution nightly or weekly. Contacts are also delicate, and require patience and care to put on and take off. A dropped contact lens may be difficult to find, and it is imperative that it be sanitized before putting it in the eye. Before handling their contacts, teenagers must remember to thoroughly wash their hands with soap and hot water, including rinsing away any soap residue so it does not get into their eyes.

For athletic teenagers, wearing contacts means having peripheral vision, which is essential to achieving success while playing tennis, soccer, basketball, football, or field hockey. Even for teenagers who do not enjoy team or individual sports, contact lenses can make a tremendous difference in just getting through physical education classes, which often require soccer, basketball, and track activities.

Contacts mean much more than mere convenience for teenagers. For most teenagers, the thrill of wearing contacts is the ability to cast off their glasses as their defining feature, and enjoy a new appearance. Teenage girls in particular enjoy being able to experiment for makeup without squinting, with their noses all but pressed against the bathroom mirror, each morning before school. Instead of haphazardly smearing thick layers of eyeliner, image conscious teenage girls can carefully, and correctly, apply eyeliner, mascara, and eye shadow, for an attractive appearance, rather than a clownish one.

While contacts were once an expensive proposition, one that involved a single set of permanent contact lenses that, if one were torn or lost, were prohibitively expensive to replace, today they are available as disposable lenses. These lenses may be replaced each day, or, for even greater convenience, only changed once a month. These monthly lenses are then discarded at the end of the month and replaced with a new pair.

Do you know you can change your first impression with freshlook colors lenses? You can buy contact lenses at a discount price today.