Colored Contact lenses are really wonderful in enhancing your looks and appearance in any occasions. However choosing the right pair of colored contact lenses may not be as easy as it sound. Many people, especially beginner will have hard time in selecting the right pair for themselves.
Below is a list of 7 simple Tips to eliminate the hardship and hope that you can quickly and effectively choose the right colored lenses that suits your requirement.
1. What color are your eyes – light or dark?
The Natural color of your eyes can be a deciding factor in choosing the right color lenses. People with Light eyed color may choose enhancement color contact lenses. This type of lenses is design to brighten your natural eye color without making it looks fake or unnatural. On the other hand, people with darker eyed color may want to consider opaque color contact lenses to give a stunning and attractive change in their looks.
2. Do you want Stunning effect or a subtle change in your look?
Nowadays colored contact lenses are available in many type of colors. You can choose the brightest color hue like Freshlook Colorblends True sapphire or Freshkon Color Fusion Romantic Violet to gives you a stunningly attractive eyes. This is brilliant for parties where you want others to notice you easily!
Contrary to this effect, you might want to go for subtle changes and choose color that has lesser hue and still give you brilliant looking eyes especially for work purpose. Please note that this is just a suggestion and may depend on your own life style. Just be sure to consider the brightness of the color hue before you order your lenses.
3. Consider the comfort ability of the colored lens
Your Colored Lenses should always looks good and feels good at the same time!
Consider the duration that you would wear your colored lenses and order it accordingly to the usage so that you will always feels comfortable. You can get disposable monthly as well as yearly replacement color contact lenses.
You can consider order monthly disposable contact lenses if you wear your lenses all day long and replace it monthly to prevent protein built up and the lenses will always feel soft and comfortable when used.
On the other hand, if you only want to have those incredible blue or green eyes during certain occasion, then yearly replacement color lenses would serve your purpose.
4. Seek an Eye Doctors prescription before you order your colored lenses
You will require a prescription from a qualified Eyes Doctors in order to buy your color contact lenses. Color contact lenses are classified as medical devices thus your must be examined by qualified eye practitioner even if you have a perfect eye vision.
5. Get free trial color contacts from your Eye doctor
Worry that the color lenses may not suits you? Ask for a free trial pair from your eye doctor.
Your eye doctor May not allow you to try all the color lenses but you can always do your home work before the visits. In this way you can narrow down your choice to get the perfect pair for your eyes without hurting your wallet.
6. Price comparison
Compare prices from different contact lenses shop and ordering them online is indeed a good choice nowadays.
Please take note that when you compare prices online, do consider the following factor at the same time (Do not just compare the product price alone)
1.Shipping rate
2.Handling fees
3.Sales Taxes if any
4.Shops Reliability
5.Shops Online Security
Cheaper price May not necessary be the best at times!
7. Learn How to take care for your color lenses properly
Colored Contact Lenses are the same with any contact lenses that requires similar care and cleaning. Your Eye Doctors will be able to give your some advise in term of this during your visits, Always seek advice if you do not know how to handle your contact lenses so that you will enjoy the new looks and at the same time feels good in wearing them.