Acuvue Contact Lenses Aren’t What Contact Lenses Once Were

Acuvue contact lenses from Johnson & Johnson aren’t exactly a new kid on the block. Just because these are top selling contacts doesn’t mean everybody knows about them. I didn’t until a couple of years ago. And I have been wearing contacts for almost thirty years. Yep, almost thirty years. Here’s what I found.

The optometrist recommended the 1 Day Acuvue for me and I thought, “Yeah, right.”

See, I can remember buying new contacts in the past and going back to the eye doctor because the brand new contacts weren’t right. They were so different I couldn’t even wear the things. So you go through the order process all over again. You see every contact was a little different. What a nightmare. So you see my concern about the “change them every day lenses.”

Boy was I wrong. These Accuvue contacts are the best contacts I’ve ever had. Every lens is perfect. My vision is exactly the same with every lens. No fit problems. No blurry vision. I don’t wear them every day so that further complicates the picture.

Here’s the thing. I can just put the contacts in and wear them for hours even if I haven’t had contacts in for a week. There seems to be very little time required to “get used to them.” That’s probably not the recommended method for wearing contacts, but it’s working for me.

With the 1 Day Acuvue you don’t have to fool with storing the lenses or saline solution or any of that. It may be that the added cost for more lenses is offset by the reduced chemicals required.

Since this is one of the most popular contacts, they are stocked many places. Another way to buy replacement lenses is through one of the online contacts places. That way if your lenses are odd, like you have a strong prescription, you can order them yourself and save money.

Acuvue contact lenses are top sellers. My experience with the 1 Day Acuvue made a believer out of me. Every lens works just like the previous one. They’re comfortable to wear and you don’t have to fool around with storage and chemicals.

Get more details about Acuvue contact lenses at our website.

Learn more about discount contact lenses too by visiting us.