Little to the knowledge of a lot of people, there is another counterpart of regular soft tints available in the market. As they say, gas permeable contact lenses are kind of low- profile because only a handful have been patronizing such. This ocular aid is rigid but it should not be confused with the “hard ones” that rose to fame in the second World War.
The “hard ones” consist of a material dubbed as polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) that was regarded as an indispensable substance priorn to 1971, the year when the regular soft ocular aid was introduced. The problem with PMMA was that it was very complicated to utilize as it did not permit any oxygen badly required to enter the eyes unlike the gas permeable contact lenses.
Gas permeable contact lenses are actually not novel in the industry as they were launched in late 1970’s. However, this ocular aid is much newer than the regular soft. Most of this kind of tints is integrated with a comfortable plastic known as silicone. The mentioned element is porous to oxygen where the aftermath is healthier vision, avoidance to deposits and better durability.
It can never be denied that the regular soft is more famous than gas permeable contact lens. The reason is that this ocular aid is not that easy to wear so there is a call to adapt in a longer period. However, this kind of tint has several benefits such as the stiff component it is constructed of. Even when you do countless eye movements, it will still retain its contour due to its facet of crispiness.
Try stepping on gas permeable contact lens and you will discover that it is not that easy to break. Unbelievable as it may sound but it is brought about by certain materials that do not hold any water. Due to such, this ocular aid does not attract lipids and proteins that originate from the glands that excrete tears. As for the regular soft, when you tear it apart, it will only require a less amount of force.
For those people who obtain unsatisfactory results in wearing tints of the regular soft kind, they usually shift to an ocular aid which is porous to oxygen. This is especially true to individuals who are suffering from astigmatism where they do not achieve their desired sight sharpness. As for those who have presbyopia, they choose between designs of bifocal and multifocal which have been proven to work effectively.
Milos Pesic is a successful webmaster and owner of popular and comprehensive Contact Lens web site. For more articles, reviews and resources on Contact Lenses, Color Contact Lenses, Toric or Bifocal Contact Lenses, Discount and Inexspensive Contact Lenses and much more visit his site