Disposable and Daily Contact Lens

Taking good care of the disposable contact lens involves cleaning and storing them in the proper solution. But this cannot be a “once in awhile” thing. Keeping a contact lens clean and moist should be as much a part of each day as any other personal health-related task, such as brushing your teeth or combing your hair.

To prevent problems such as irritation of the eye, it is essential that the disposable contact lens be flexible and free of dust. Of course, there is an alternative – daily wear, disposable lenses that don’t need as much attention. In addition, this type of contact lens generally is less expensive than a pair of eyeglasses.

With several companies producing the disposable contact lens, people have a choice of several types. Daily-wear lenses have become popular, because you can wear a new pair every day. The advantages to using this type of lens include: no cleaning; no concern about storing them properly; great vision because a new lens is used each day; less cost for solutions to clean and store lenses.

While some people may still think that the disposable contact lens is not as good as the classic contact lens, the truth is the disposable is excellent for your eyes. For one thing, it is thinner, allowing the eye to get more oxygen. Those who use contacts occasionally, or for certain occasions, might benefit from disposable, daily-wear contact lenses because they get a new pair each time. This means they don’t have to try wearing contacts that have been sitting in solution for a long period of time.

Companies also offer disposable contacts the can be used for a week, and up to a month, before being thrown away. This type of disposable contact lens costs less than daily-use types and generally is just as healthy for the eyes. Many people have had good experience with the Acuvue designed for two weeks of wear and the Oasys, an improved design of the same lens. Others are satisfied with Focus Monthly or Soflens 59. As with any health-related item, it is wise to discuss contact lens options with your optometrist.

Remember that the disposable contact lens offers a number of advantages over the older type of lens. Early versions of contact lenses needed cleaning that often involved quite a bit of time, not to mention expensive solutions for cleaning and soaking. Most contact lenses in use today can soak through the night in an all-purpose solution. In the morning, the wearer can usually put them in without having to use any special solutions or do any manual cleaning. Newer solutions eliminate the need to rub the lens at all.

For more information on disposable and daily contact lenses, visit LensTips