How Practical Are Mirror Tinted Contact Lenses?

Mirror tinted contact lenses are the fastest growing types of lens offered for sale on the market. Mirror tinted contact lenses are manufactured with dye incorporated into the material making up the lens. The incorporation of dye sets the lens off with the same hue and tint of the color used on the material. Some mirror tinted contact lenses simply change the color of the eye, while others create an entirely different nature. There are three different types of tinted contact lenses, visibility tinted contacts, color enhancement lenses, and opaque contact lenses. Mirror tints can be classified in the visibility tinted and opaque categories.

Mirror tinted contact lenses are a form of cosmetic lenses and are the byproduct of historic mirror tinted shielding sunglasses. Contacts featuring mirror tints work in similar fashion as Mirror tinted contact lenses allow wearers to emit a reflection back to the object that they are visualizing. Mirror tinted contacts serves as visual reflectors and show everything that a wearer see back to the person looking into their eyes. Mirror tinted lenses may be obtained by eye fashion wearers who do not require corrective contact lenses. The lenses may be obtained with or without an optometrist provided prescription.

And that’s just one fraction of mirror tinted eye wear. There are mirror tinted contact lenses sporting the red stripes and blue stars of the American flag, black mirrored, ghoul eyes, and even eyes that go ape with animal shapes like cat eyes, and snake optical wear. Mirror tinted contact lenses have a long reputation in the field of entertainment, special effects, and theater.

Mirror tinted lens fit over the pupil of the eye, with the colored iris covered and the pupil exposed for sight, this is how tinted contact wearers see. This fact makes mirror tinted contact lenses apart of the opaque family of optical tinted eyewear. Opaque tinted contact lens are characterized by part of the lens covering the colored area of the eye, this area is tinted with such rich color that it blocks out, opaques, the eye’s natural color. Opaque tinted lens, like mirror tinted contacts, can change brown eyes to blue and vice versa. And are routinely offered in solid colors.

Opaque tinted lenses, like mirror tints, are also used as therapeutic contacts-as a new-fangled replacement for the traditional post-vision therapy eye patching. Patients with abnormalities in the area of the iris related to trauma have expressed increased comfort after using opaque tinted lenses-the contacts are believed to stimulate the pupils.

As long as the center of the mirror tinted contact lenses is clear and the lenses are fitted properly, wearers can count on being able to see. Contact lenses that do not fit properly can potentially lead to problems with eyesight or a possible infection.