Tips For Contact Lenses Users

Clear and precise vision without the need to put glasses is the dream of every person suffering from long or short sight. Aside from the casual things like fog that condenses on the lenses of glasses in the winter and glasses changing fashion, there are also other practical aspects:

People who do not wear glasses enjoy broader extent of vision, which is very useful when you are driving for example. But because of the high cost of correcting vision and the concerns associated with laser treatment, most patients choose a third alternative, which is to wear contact lenses.

The optical specialist may advise you to put contact lenses as well as the ophthalmologist, but the ophthalmologist is the only person that can determine if your eyes are healthy enough to bear the lenses.

The important question is which type of contact lenses you need? You can reach an answer after the examination of your eyes; the specialists will do some tests to determine the strength of vision and the convexity of cornea and the secretions of the eyes. It also depends on the reason for putting lenses: are you planning on wearing them all day, from the time to wake up and until the time of going to bed, or are you going to wear them at certain times, when you exercise, for example, or are going to put them a couple of times each week?

The type of lenses that is used for one-time only fit 75% of the optical distortion cases. Also, this type of contact lenses requires the same care that is required by the conventional lenses.

There are two types of lenses: soft (flexible) and rigid (hard) lenses, but the second characteristic (rigid) is no longer fully applicable to the modern lenses, according to the German Consumer Protection Association.

Experts say that the rigid and dry lenses are the least expensive in the long run. They float on a thin layer of drops of tears and secretions of the eye which allows the access of oxygen and basic nutrients to the eye. Microbes and germs causing eye diseases, and chemical substances cannot adhere to the surface of the hard lenses, so it cannot hurt the eye. Also, the age of these lenses is limited to no more than 18 months.

The flexible lenses are the second resort if the person intends to wear it all day. This type of lenses is easy to get used to and if you work in dusty environments, you will find that this type of lenses causes less irritability to the eye, and it can be used for up to a full year.

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