The Process of a Contact Lens Fitting

Our sense of sight is one of the most important senses and this is why a proper contact lens fitting is necessary to aid the user into achieving correct vision. Nowadays, contact lenses are becoming a trend. They are used in a lot of reasons and among them is fashion. The media employ them as well to give more character to their actors. But despite all these, proper fitting is important. Without it, the eyes can get irritated.

How does the process of fitting the contact lens start?

The process will not start with the actual lenses themselves. It will be just you and the optician. You will be interviewed first and the interview will start by introducing to you the steps that will follow. This is to inform you of what you will go through during the process. Apart from discussing the steps, the optician will also ask you questions regarding any medical eye conditions that you may have or may have had in the past. This is to eliminate any complications that may happen. Your lifestyle will also be tackled down. During the interview, you can also ask your own questions regarding the contact lens fitting.

An examination will then take place after the interview. The optician will start by examining the outer surface of your eyes. The curvature of the surface of your eyes will be measured by the use of a keratometer. Your cornea will then be measured by the help of topography. Your eyes’ ability to produce tears will also be tested along with the measurement of your pupils and irises. The fitting will take place after the optician has finally measured the necessary parts of your eyes that need to be assessed.

The proper way on how to place each contact lens in the eyes will be demonstrated to you. It is best that you practice in front of the optician to determine if you are doing it right. The success of the contact lens fitting will depend on the quality of your vision and the comfort that you will feel when you are using it. A follow-up visit to the optician will be needed to determine how well your eyes have adjusted to the new lenses.

Now that you have your contact lenses properly fitted, it is time to learn how to take care of them.

Before and after you touch your eyes, you should wash your hands with water and soap. Dry them using a clean towel. Remember that your lenses are in contact with your eyes and it is only given that they should remain clean. A sterile solution is needed to keep the lenses clean. Rinse the lenses with warm water and let it dry. Unless your doctor says so, your contact lenses should be replaced regularly every 3 to 6 months. Correct contact lens fitting along with careful and proper care of the lenses are needed.

It is important that we provide our eyes the proper care that they need in order to function well. Find a good doctor that has the expertise and the experience to provide you with the right contact lens fitting for your comfort.