You have worn glasses now for what seems like an eternity. You have never been happy about it, but trying to go without, has not worked. Now you are ready to move on and free yourself from glasses with Acuvue contact lenses.
The doctor said that you needed glasses. It was like being sentenced to prison. It was not fair. Maybe you did not let anyone know you had them at first. You tried to get through your days without them, but finally accepted the inevitable. After all, you want to drive a car, maybe participate in sports, and just be able to see what others see.
The glasses help, but you do not see so well with them either. It is like looking at the world through a tunnel, and everything appears smaller and closer than it is. You do not have clear peripheral vision, so your performance in sports suffers. They hurt your nose or your ears, fall off when you need them most, or get broken.
They always seem to be dirty so you need to constantly clean them. You could have been teased about your appearance, or you know that you would look much better without them. You want to be yourself, but the spectacles are getting in the way.
Now is the time to stop hiding behind that mask, let people see the sparkle in your eyes, and show your face. There is a safe and inexpensive way to have better vision.
You can have sharp, crisp vision, and the peripheral vision that you need for optimum athletic performance, or to drive a car safely. You are ready to look your best, and get rid of the red spots on the bridge of your nose. You will wear makeup, and people will actually see it, and notice you finally.
Contacts are now quite safe to wear. Advances in technology and material has all but eliminated the risks that were once associated with them. So long as you take a little time to care for the lenses properly and follow some simple rules about how to wear them, there should be no problems. Cleaning or changing the contacts and putting them on and taking them off may not be any more burdensome than what you are used to with your current eyewear.
Here is how you get started. If you are a minor, you will first have to convince your parents that you can be responsible enough to be trusted with this responsibility. Next is getting your certificate for a free trial pair. Then make your next eye exam appointment. Let them know you are thinking about contacts, since the exam will take a little longer. See if the doctor thinks you will make a good candidate. If so, try them for a couple weeks.
Acuvue contact lenses really are much more comfortable than what was worn years ago. Very dusty conditions can be irritating, and they can not be worn while swimming. Otherwise you will likely be very happy with your new freedom.
Shop online when looking for contact lenses and Acuvue Oasys contact lenses. Providing the widest selection of cheap contact lenses and Acuvue contact lenses at huge savings when compared to retail prices.