More often than not, it is often heard from many people that discount contact lenses are impossible to find. However with the rise of more advance manufacturing methods, manufacturers of lenses and even the popular brands, such as Acuvue, are facing a strong surplus of additional lenses. With a little ingenuity on the internet, you can find for good deals into buying contact lenses at discount prices especially if you buy them in bulk.
Here are tips you must remember in looking for contact lenses at discounts.
1. Make sure the sellers are reliable businesses
While many claim to come from big names such as Acuvue, often, they are just the representatives or licensed distributors of the contact lenses. Do take note if their business is in fact legitimate as it could simply be a deal out to cheat you off your money. Take note of their company website brand name and contact the Acuvue support website to confirm their legitimacy.
2. Gather orders from friends
It is very likely that you and your friends might need the contact lenses together. By purchasing them in a single order instead of ordering the lenses separately, you effectively gain discounts from the bulk purchase. Do not forget to devise your own system as how you would distribute them to your friends after they are delivered.
3. Shop Online
This is a great way to buy literally anything online. Do not forget to obtain receipts from your purchase and always look for review websites that can recommend discounts or give free coupons.
If you’re on tight budget, go for Walmart contact lenses where you can save as much as 12% to 50% on the costs of a yearly supply as well as discounted prices for non prescription colored contacts